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Body Scale BLE Sensor PRO - MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
Weighing scales (or weigh scales or scales) are devices to measure weight or calculate mass. Spring ..
Body Temperature BLE Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
The temperature sensor allows you to measure this key parameter for body monitoring. Its measure the..
MySignals HW BLE Complete Kit (eHealth Medical Development Platform for Arduino)
This product has been discontinued by manufacturer. MySignals is a development platform for medic..
MySignals HW Complete Kit (eHealth Medical Development Platform for Arduino)
This product has been discontinued by manufacturer. MySignals is a development platform for medic..
MySignals SW (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
MySignals is a development platform for medical devices and eHealth applications. You can use MySign..
MySignals SW BLE Complete Kit (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
MySignals is a development platform for medical devices and eHealth applications. You can use MySign..
MySignals SW Complete Kit (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
MySignals is a development platform for medical devices and eHealth applications. You can use MySign..
3WD 48mm Omni Wheel Robot platform chassis(with encoder)/black
3WD 48mm Omni Wheel Robot platform chassis(with encoder)/black 15001B This is a 3 wheels drive mo..
3WD 48mm Omni Wheel Robot platform chassis(with encoder)/black
3WD 48mm Omni Wheel Robot platform chassis(with encoder)/black 15001S This is a 3 wheels drive mo..
86Duino EduCake-an all-in-one Embedded Platform Based on Vortex86EX SoC
EduCake is designed to be compatible with Arduino series. It is an all-in-one design with an integ..
Adafruit GEMMA M0 - Miniature wearable electronic platform
Description: The Adafruit Gemma M0 is a super small microcontroller board, with just en..
Adafruit GEMMA v2 - Miniature wearable electronic platform
Even though you can program GEMMA using the Arduino IDE, it's not a fully 100% Arduino-compatibl..
Airflow Breathing Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
The nasal / mouth airflow sensor is a device used to measure the breathing rate in a patient in need..
Airflow sensor (Breathing) for e-health platform
This Product has been discontinued. The nasal airflow sensor is a device used to airflow rate to ..
Alarm / Emergency Button BLE Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
The Alarm / Emergency Button provides immediate access to assistance with just the touch of the butt..

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