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Atlas Scientific Conductivity Probe Cleaner
Over time Conductivity Probes can become dirty and covered in mineral deposits. This can change t..
Atlas Scientific Conductivity Probe K 0.1
Reads Conductivity Range 0.07 − 50,000 μS/cm Re..
Atlas Scientific Conductivity Probe K 1.0
Reads Conductivity Range 5 − 200,000 μS/cm Resp..
Atlas Scientific Conductivity Probe K 10
Over the years, we have tested an endless number of conductivity probe designs. Our research has sho..
Atlas Scientific Consumer Grade ORP Probe
This ORP Probe can be fully submerged in fresh water or salt water, up to the SMA connector indefini..
Atlas Scientific Consumer Grade pH Probe
This pH Probe can be fully submerged in fresh water or salt water, up to the SMA connector indefinit..
Atlas Scientific Dissolved Oxygen Kit
If you are new to electrochemical sensing, knowing what components you need can get confusing. Let u..
Atlas Scientific Dissolved Oxygen Lab Grade Membrane Replacement Kit
This product is used to replace the PTFE sensing membrane for the Lab Grade Dissolved Oxygen probes...
Atlas Scientific Dissolved Oxygen OEM Circuit
When mass-producing a machine that has dissolved oxygen sensing capabilities, you need low cost, pic..
Atlas Scientific Divider
• Splits water flow • Polypropylene construction • NSF Standard 58 Certified ..
Atlas Scientific Electrically Isolated EZO Carrier Board (old style)
The Electrically isolated EZO™ carrier board is an easy way to connect an Atlas Scientific EZO..
Atlas Scientific Electrically Isolated USB EZO Carrier Board
Electrically Isolated USB EZO™ Carrier Board Allows you to connect your Atlas Scientific circu..
Atlas Scientific ENV-SDS Kit
The ENV-SDS Full water monitoring Kit is a single kit that includes ALL the equipment need..
Atlas Scientific ENV-TMP-D
The ENV-TMP-D can be fully submerged in fresh water or salt water, up to the tinned leads&..
Atlas Scientific EZO Adapter
Description The EZO™ Adapter, allows you to connect a 5 pin EZO™ Sensor to a 6 pin so..

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