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Color Light Sensor Evaluation Board
This product has been discontinued The ADJD-S311-CR999 is a great little color light sensor. In f..
Based on 1 reviews.
Communication Shield (XBee, Bluetooth, RFID) - XBee Shield
This shield allows to use XBee modules or our Bluetooth Pro or RFID modules. Documentat..
Communications Overlay Shield Adapter for Arduino Micro
The AMXB is perhaps one of our most powerful communication adapters. Add XBeeⓇ communications to ..
Communications Overlay Shield Adapter for Arduino Nano
The ANXB is perhaps one of our most powerful communication adapters. Connect a complete line of&n..
Communications Overlay Shield Adapter for Onion Omega 1 and 2
The Onion Omega OOXB is perhaps one of our most powerful communication adapters available. Add in..
Communications Overlay Shield Adapter for Particle Photon and Particle Electron
Expand you Particle Photon or Electron to add our line of communication modules.  Add Bluetooth..
Communications Overlay Shield Adapter for WiPy
The WPXB is perhaps one of our most powerful communication adapters. Add long range wireless..
Conductivity Calibration Kit K=0.1
The Smart Water model has been conceived to facilitate the remote monitoring of the most relevant pa..
Conductivity Calibration Kit K=1
The Smart Water model has been conceived to facilitate the remote monitoring of the most relevant pa..
Conductivity Calibration Kit K=10
The Smart Water model has been conceived to facilitate the remote monitoring of the most relevant pa..
Cora Z7-07S: Zynq-7000 Single Core and Dual Core Options for ARM/FPGA SoC Development
The Digilent Cora Z7 is a ready-to-use, low-cost, and easily embeddable development platform designe..
Cora Z7-10:Zynq-7000 Single Core and Dual Core Options for ARM/FPGA SoC Development
The Digilent Cora Z7 is a ready-to-use, low-cost, and easily embeddable development platform designe..
CS20 Dual-Resolution 3D TOF Solid-state LiDAR (5V, 5m)
This CS20 Dual-Resolution 3D TOF Solid-state LiDAR is equipped with a ToF image sensor with a resolu..
Cupric Calibration Kit
This Kit is composed of 3 bottles: 10, 100 and 1000 ppm. Each bottle contains 100 ml. Each Kit can b..
Cupric Ion (Cu2+) Sensor Probe
Remember the Double Junction Reference Probe is mandatory for this sensor. Don't fo..

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