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SparkFun RFID Starter Kit
Description This it the SparkFun RFID Starter Kit, an all-in-one kit that offer everything you ne..
SparkFun RFM69 Breakout (434MHz)
Descriprtion This is the SparkFun RFM69 Breakout, a small piece of tech that breaks out all the p..
SparkFun RFM69 Breakout (915MHz)
Description This is the SparkFun RFM69 Breakout, a small piece of tech that breaks out all the pi..
SparkFun RGB and Gesture Sensor - APDS-9960
Description This is the SparkFun RGB and Gesture Sensor, a small breakout board with a built in A..
SparkFun RGB Light Sensor - ISL29125
Description If you’ve had ideas for a project that depends on the ability to sense differen..
SparkFun Rotary Switch Breakout
Description This is the SparkFun Rotary Switch Breakout, a very simple board designed to easily p..
SparkFun RS232 Shifter SMD (No DB9)
The smallest and easiest to use serial conversion circuit on the market! This board has one purpose ..
SparkFun Safety Glasses
Description These were really nice safety glasses. Then we decided to completely ruin t..
SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout
Description If you’re ready to step your Arduino game up from older 8-bit/16MHz microcontro..
SparkFun SAMD21 Mini Breakout
Description If you’re ready to step your Arduino game up from older 8-bit/16MHz microcontro..
SparkFun Sensor Kit
Description Do you have a good understanding of various sensors or need a variety of them for a p..
SparkFun Sensor Pack for Intel® Edison
Description The Intel® Edison is an ultra small computing platform that will change the way y..
SparkFun Serial Basic Breakout - CH340G
Description The SparkFun Serial Basic Breakout is an easy-to-use USB-to-Serial adapter based on t..
SparkFun Serial Controlled Motor Driver
Description The SparkFun Serial Controlled Motor Driver (SCMD) is a DC motor driver that’s ..
SparkFun Servo Trigger - Continuous Rotation
Description The SparkFun Continuous Rotation (CR) Servo Trigger is a small robotics board that si..

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