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MCU card with dsPIC30F6014A Microcontroller
MCU card with dsPIC30F6014A Microcontroller Specificaiton Architecture dsPIC..
MIC23099 click
MIC23099 click carries the MIC23099, a single AA/AAA cell step-down/step-up regulator wi..
Micro Gearmotor - 130 RPM (6-12V)
These micro gearmotors are incredibly tough and feature full metal gears. They have a gear ratio of ..
Micro Gearmotor - 300 rpm
DESCRIPTION ·         Voltage: 6V Dc  · ..
Micro Metal Gear Motor with Connector (30:1)
INTRODUCTION This motor has a long (0.365"/9.27 mm) D profile metal output shaft that matc..
Microsoft Azure IoT Starter Kit w/ Adafruit Feather HUZZAH
In collaboration with Microsoft, Adafruit's releasing IoT Starter Kits with boards, sensors, and..
mikroBoard for dsPIC with dsPIC30F6014A
Description Main purpose of the mikroBoard is usage as MCU card for UNI-DS6 development system...
mikroC PRO for 8051 USB Dongle
mikroC PRO for 8051 is a full-featured C compiler for 8051 devices. The feature rich environm..
mikromedia HMI Breakout Board
Description The mikromedia HMI breakout board is a simple accessory that conveniently enables d..
mikroProg to ST-Link v2 adapter
mikroProg to ST-Link v2 adapter allows you to connect mikroProg for STM32 programmer and h..
Mini Illuminated Loupe 30X / Magnifier with LED Lights
INTRODUCTION This is a great magnifier for multiple purposes, circuit board and printing indust..
Mini-USB Cable 180cm 24AWG
Description 180cm USB 2.0 Cable. The cable includes a common mode choke/filter for noise reduc..
Mini-USB Cable 450cm 20AWG
Description : 450cm USB 2.0 Cable. The cable includes a common mode choke/filter for noise reducti..
MiniMoto - DRV8830 Breakout
The SparkFun MiniMoto is a great little breakout for the DRV8830 I2C DC motor driver. The MiniMoto i..
MinIMU-9 v2 Gyro, Accelerometer, and Compass (L3GD20 and LSM303DLHC Carrier)
Overview The Pololu MinIMU-9 v3 is a compact (0.8″ × 0.5″) board that..

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