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Noise / Sound Level Sensor Probe
Specifations of the Noise Level Sensor probe Target parameter: LeqA Microphone sensitivity: 12..
Noise click
When the volume of ambient sound reaches the set threshold, an interrupt is triggered. The most imp..
Noise Sensor
The Noise Sensor is used to detect the sound intensity of the environment. NOTE: W..
Non-contact Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor
This is a non-contact liquid level sensor with status indicator and adjustable sensitivity. It can b..
Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer
Description:  This non-contact infrared thermometer makes it a breeze to take quick and accu..
Non-contact surface temperature measurement sensor probe
The Non-contact surface temperature measurement sensor probe is able to measure the electromagnetic ..
Non-Invasive Current Sensor - 30A
Description This non-invasive current sensor (also known as a “split core current transform..
Based on 1 reviews.
Non-isolated USB Carrier Board
This simple carrier board is designed to give your Atlas Scientific gas and color sensors a USB outp..
Noosy Nano Sim Adapter 4 in 1 Sim Card Kit
This is a 4-in-1 SIM Card Adapter, a three small pieces of non-aging plastic that give you the abili..
The NOR Bit is a logic gate with 2 inputs. It sends an ON signal only when neither input is receivin..
NOVA-R410 Global IoT Cellular USB Modem
Hologram NOVA-R410 Global IoT Cellular USB Modem is a global, easy-to-use, and completely open sourc..
NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit B01 - NEW
NVIDIA Jetson Nano Module, Small AI SOM, with 16GB EMMC
Description : NVIDIA Jetson Nano Module (B01), Production-Ready AI System On Module (SOM), With 1..
OAK-D-IoT-40 (16MB NOR Flash), OpenCV AI Machine Vision Kit, Depth Measuring, Image Recognition
Overview  :  The OAK-D-IoT-40 baseboard has three on-board cameras which im..
ODYSSEY - X86J4105800 Most expandable Win10 Mini PC (Linux and Arduino Core) with 8GB RAM
ODYSSEY - X86J4105 redefines the SBC (Single Board Computer) with Arduino Coprocessor onboard, enabl..

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