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MKR Antenna
This antenna is ideal for using it with the MKRFOX1200 board. It is a GSM (850/900/1800/1900MHz) ant..
MKR Relay Proto Shield
The MKR Relay Proto Shield allows you to easily command relays with your MKR board. The shield provi..
MKR SD Proto Shield
Add a SD slot and prototyping area in a single shield The Arduino MKR SD Proto Shield a..
Motor Geared 75:1 Ratio 10 000RPM 6V Steel Gears 4MM Shaft
  This is a powerful motor fitted with a 74.8:1 gearbox. The gears are all steel and the out..
Phidgets Light Sensor 70000 lux
Description Measures light intensities of up to 70 kilolux on a logarithmic scale and connects to..
POE Module
This product has been disocntinued The Ag9120-S is a module designed to extract power from a conv..
Raspberry Pi RTC Expansion Module v1.1
The RTC module is specifically designed for Raspberry Pi. It communicated with Raspberry Pi through ..
ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT
ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT is a dual-microphone expansion board for Raspberry Pi designed for AI and vo..
The Roadrunner is a Loco positioning compatible tag that combines the hardware of a Crazyflie w..
Rule Your Room Kit
Your Room Kit empowers your kids to transform any boring old object into an awesome, interactive inv..
Seeeduino Ethernet
Seeeduino Ethernet is a compact and multifunctional development platform, which merges data logging ..
Seeeduino Stalker v2 enclosure
This product has been discontinued This enclosure is compatible with Seeeduino stalker v2, a..
STEM drone bundle
With the STEM drone bundle you get everything you need for scripting and learning how to operate a r..
STEM ranging bundle
With the STEM ranging bundle you get everything you need for scripting and learning how to oper..
Tackle Box
The tackle box is perfect for stowing Bits away in the workshop, or taking on the go! It has 2 level..

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