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Adafruit TLV493D Triple-Axis Magnetometer - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
The TLV493D 3-axis magnetometer is a great little sensor for detecting magnets in 3D. In f..
ADS1114 16-Bit KMZ60 Magnetic Position Angle Sensor Sine Cosine I2C Mini Module
The KMZ60 is a magnetic field angle position sensor, capable of measuring the angle position of vari..
Atlas Scientific Large Magnetic Probe Holder
Specification • No assembly required • Mounts in seconds • Holds four standard s..
Atlas Scientific Magnetic Probe Holder
Specification • No assembly required • Mounts in seconds • Holds three standard ..
Discovery Pack - Gyroscope, Prism, Magnets by Tedco toys
Allowing children to play with educational and informational toys, even at a very young age, is a gr..
Door and Window Magnetic Detection Switch SPST with Magnet
This magnetic door and window switch is used to detect the open or closed state of windows and doors..
Enameled Copper Magnet Wire – 11 meters / 0.1mm diameter
For winding custom coils, or very fine-pitch rework, we always reach for magnet wire. Magnet wi..
GeoMagnetic click
Three-axis geomagnetic sensor GeoMagnetic click is a digital magnetometric click board which ca..
GNSS L1/L2 Multi-Band Magnetic Mount Antenna - 5m (SMA)
The ANN-MB-00 GNSS multiband antenna is extremely unique from other GNSS/GPS antennas in that it is ..
Gravity: Digital Magnetic Sensor
INTRODUCTION what's the best way to detect the magnet? Use anther magnet. But it's not se..
Grove - Electromagnet
An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by electric current. An..
GSM Antenna with Magnetic Base (3m)
INTRODUCTION This is a GSM antenna with SMA connector. Its magnetic base can be easily adsorbed o..
IoT Long Range Wireless Accelero, Gyro, Magneto And Temp Sensor
  IoT Long Range Wireless Accelero, Gyro, Magneto And Temp Sensor Our long range wire..
LIS3MDL 3-Axis Magnetometer Carrier with Voltage Regulator
This module is a carrier/breakout board for the ST LIS3MDL three-axis magnetometer. The sensor provi..
LSM9DS0 3D Accelerometer Gyroscope Magnetometer I2C Mini Module
Manufactured by STMicroelectronics, the LSM9DS0 is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digi..

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