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Bar02 Ultra High Resolution 10m Depth/Pressure Sensor
The Bar02 Ultra-High Resolution 10m Depth/Pressure Sensor is a low-pressure, high resolution, high a..
Header - 10-pin Female (PTH, 0.1")
Description These are standard 0.1" spaced header pins that can be through-hole mounted. Thi..
Header - 6-pin Female (PTH, 0.1")
Description These are standard 0.1" spaced header pins that can be through-hole mounted. Thi..
Header - 8-pin Female (PTH, 0.1")
Description These are standard 0.1" spaced header pins that can be through-hole mounted. Thi..
IMX219-83 Stereo Camera, 8MP Binocular Camera Module, Depth Vision
Overview This is a binocular camera module which features dual IMX219 cameras onboard, 8Megapixel..
Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435f
Enhanced depth quality with IR The Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435f expands our por..
Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435i
Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435i combines the depth sensing capabilities of the D435 w..
Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D455
The Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D455 takes what makes the D435 products great and make ..
MS5803-14BA 14-Bar Depth Measurement Module with 24-Bit Analog to Digital Converter I2C Mini Module
From TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties, the MS5803-14BA is a new generation of high-resolution..
OAK-D-SR emphasizes improved short-range accuracy when compared to the standard OAK-D..

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