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SmartGLCD 240x128 Board
SmartGLCD 240x128 SmartGLCD 240x128 Board is a full-featured tool for easy development of embed..
SMD Component Storage Box
For storing small parts (especially SMT/SMD components), these little modular boxes are ideal. They ..
Sparkfun Barometric Pressure Sensor - BMP085 Breakout
Description This is a breakout board for the Bosch BMP085 high-precision, low-power digital barom..
Sparkfun Electric Imp Breakout
Description If you aren’t familiar with the Electric Imp, it essentially provides an easy, ..
SparkFun Electric Imp Shield
Description If you aren’t familiar with the Electric Imp, it essentially provides an easy, ..
SparkFun MIDI Shield
Description The SparkFun MIDI Shield board gives your Arduino-based device access to the antiquat..
SparkFun Qwiic OLED Display (0.91 in, 128x32)
The SparkFun Qwiic OLED Display can display up to three lines of text and features 128x32 pixels in ..
SparkFun RFM69 Breakout (434MHz)
Descriprtion This is the SparkFun RFM69 Breakout, a small piece of tech that breaks out all the p..
SparkFun RGB Light Sensor - ISL29125
Description If you’ve had ideas for a project that depends on the ability to sense differen..
SparkFun Sunny Buddy - MPPT Solar Charger
Description This is the Sunny Buddy, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) solar charger for sing..
SparkFun XBee Shield
Description:  XBee radios are an awesome way to add wireless capability to your Arduino proj..

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