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SparkFun Barometric Pressure Sensor Breakout - BMP180
This product has been discontinued This is a breakout board for the Bosch BMP180 high-precision, ..
SparkFun Beefy 3 - FTDI Basic Breakout
Description This is SparkFun Beefy 3 FTDI Basic Breakout for the FTDI FT231X USB to serial IC. Th..
SparkFun Blackberry Trackballer Breakout
Description:  The SparkFun BlackBerry Trackballer Breakout gives you easy access to a trackb..
Sparkfun Blackberry Trackballer Breakout
Description This is a breakout board for Blackberry Trackball. The four spindles on the trackball..
Sparkfun Breakout Board for SC16IS750 I2C/SPI-to-UART IC
Description This is a breakout board for the SC16IS750, a handy chip used to convert I2C or SPI s..
Sparkfun Button Pad 4x4 - Breakout PCB
Description  This a simple breakout board for the button pads. Each LED and button is brough..
SparkFun Clock Generator Breakout - 5P49V60 (Qwiic)
The SparkFun Qwiic Clock Generator Breakout offers a wide range of customizable frequencies in a wid..
SparkFun Coulomb Counter Breakout - LTC4150
Odometers are extremely useful for cars, they tell you how far you have gone, and wouldn’t it ..
SparkFun Cryptographic Co-Processor Breakout - ATECC608A (Qwiic)
The SparkFun ATECC608A Cryptographic Co-processor Breakout allows you to add strong security to your..
SparkFun DeadOn RTC - DS3234 Breakout
Description Here is a real time clock based on the DS3234 Real Time Clock IC. The DS3234 is a low..
SparkFun Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout - TMP102
The TMP102 is an easy-to-use digital temperature sensor from Texas Instruments. The TMP102 breakout ..
SparkFun Distance Sensor Breakout - 4 Meter, VL53L1X (Qwiic)
Description This SparkFun Distance Sensor Breakout utilizes the VL53L1X next generation ToF (Time..
Sparkfun Electret Microphone Breakout
Description Ready to add audio to your next project? This small breakout board couples a small el..
Sparkfun Electric Imp Breakout
Description If you aren’t familiar with the Electric Imp, it essentially provides an easy, ..
SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout - CCS811/BME280 (Qwiic)
Description The SparkFun CCS811/BME280 Environmental Combo Breakout takes care of all your atmosp..

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