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2-Channel Solid State Relay Controller + 6 GPIO with I2C Interface
This I2C 2-channel Solid-State relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatched comp..
2-Channel Solid State Relay Shield + 6 GPIO with IoT Interface
This IoT 2-channel Solid-State relay controller was designed to host many different IoT communicatio..
24-Channel 1-Amp SPDT Signal Relay Controller + 8 GPIO with I2C Interface
This I2C 24-channel low-power signal relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatche..
24-Channel 1-Amp SPDT Signal Relay Shield + 8 GPIO with IoT Interface
This IoT 24-channel low-power signal relay controller is capable of hosting many types of IoT commun..
24-Channel Analog to Digital Converter 12-Bit with I2C Interface
This I2CAD24 device is an 24-channel analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with 12-bit resolution per ch..
24-Channel DPDT Signal Relay Controller + 8 GPIO with I2C Interface
This I2C 24-channel DPDT relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatched compatibil..
24-Channel DPDT Signal Relay Shield + 8 GPIO with IoT Interface
This IoT 24-channel DPDT relay controller was designed to function as a shield for today’s mos..
24-Channel General Purpose SPDT Relay Controller + 8 GPIO with I2C Interface
This I2C 24-channel general purpose SPDT relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unma..
24-Channel General Purpose SPDT Relay Shield + 8 GPIO with IoT Interface
This IoT 24-channel general purpose SPDT relay controller is capable of hosting many types of IoT co..
24-Channel Solid State Relay Controller + 8 GPIO with I2C Interface
This I2C 24-channel Solid-State relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatched com..
24-Channel Solid State Relay Shield + 8 GPIO with IoT Interface
This IoT 24-channel Solid-State relay controller was designed to host many different IoT communicati..
3-Channel 4-20 mA Current Loop Receiver 16-Bit ADS1115 I2C Mini Module
This 3-Channel 4-20mA current loop receiver is an ideal companion for monitoring industrial sensors ..
3-Channel Off-Board 98% Accuracy 100-Amp AC Current Monitor with IoT Interface
This 3-Channel high-accuracy current monitoring controller makes it easy to get AC current measureme..
3-Channel Wide FOV Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor Using OPT3101 (No Headers)
Overview This board is a 3-channel time-of-flight proximity and distance sensor module based on t..
32-Channel 1-Amp SPDT Signal Relay Controller with I2C Interface
This I2C 32-channel low-power signal relay controller offers a cross-platform solution with unmatche..

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