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Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Expansion for Fusion Series Controllers
Measure distances up to 24″ with .250″ resolution using this Ultrasonic Distance Measure..
USB 16-Channel 8-Bit/12-Bit Analog to Digital Converter + XR Expansion Port
USB ProXR Enhanced with A/D USB Virtual COM Relay Controller with 8-Channels of Analog to Digital..
USB 48-Channel 8-Bit/12-Bit Analog to Digital Converter + XR Expansion Port
USB ProXR Enhanced with A/D USB Virtual COM Relay Controller with 8-Channels of Analog to Digital..
USB Communications Module FT232RL ZUSB
USB Communications Module The ZUSB USB to USART converter is based on the FTDI FT232-RL, making i..
USB Configuration Adapter for NCD Communication Modules
ZigMo_PCB ZIGMO Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Configuration Kit Configure Passwords of Wi-Fi & Bluetooth M..
USB Interface Adapter for NCD IoT Devices Virtual COM Port FT230XS
If you ever wanted to test or use NCD IoT devices with a desktop computer, this little USB to I2C ad..
USB Relay Board with Solid State Relays
USB Relay Board from NCD Our USB Relay Board makes it easy for computers of all types to control ..
USB Relay Controller with High Power Relays
USB Relay Controller from NCD Our USB Relay Controller makes it easy for computers of all types t..
USB Relay with 5 or 10 Amp Relays
USB Relay devices from NCD Our USB Relay products make it easy for computers of all types to cont..
USB to I2C Converter with Virtual COM Port FT230XS
If you ever wanted to test or use NCD I2C devices with a desktop computer, this little I2C adapter w..
UXP 16-Channel 12-Bit Analog to Digital Converter Expansion Board
Add Analog to Digital Conversion to any UXP Port The UAD1216 is an 8-Bit/12-Bit 16-Channel Analog..
UXP 16-Channel Contact Closure Detector Expansion Board
Add Contact Closure to any UXP Port Switch Closure Input is a vital part of just about any contro..
UXP 16-Channel Programmable 10K Potentiometer Expansion Board
Add Potentiometer to any UXP Port This device adds 16 programmable potentiometers in 10K, 50K, or..
UXP 32-Channel Contact Closure Detector Expansion Board
Add Contact Closure to any UXP Port Switch Closure Input is a vital part of just about any contro..
UXP 48-Channel Contact Closure Detector Expansion Board
Add Contact Closure to any UXP Port Switch Closure Input is a vital part of just about any contro..

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