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Analog Parts Kit by Analog Devices: Companion Parts Kit for the Analog Discovery
The Analog Parts Kit contains a large selection of components perfect for creating a wide variety of..
Basys MX3 Lab Bundle: Companion Parts Kit for the Basys MX3 and PIC32MX370 Coursework
The Basys MX3 Lab Bundle provides all of the necessary hardware for following along with the Ba..
Mindz Monster Parts by Tedco Toys
Fire up your child's imagination with these fun Bizarre Builders Monster Parts! The supple and durab..
MRK Basic: Motor Robot Parts Kit (Does Not Include Microcontroller)
This product has been discontinued.   The Digilent Motor Robot Kit (MRK) provides the per..
myParts Kit from Texas Instruments: Companion Parts Kit for NI myDAQ
Get your students quickly involved in building essential electronic circuits using myParts Kit suppo..
OpenScope MZ Makerspace Bundle (Add Two Analog Parts Kits)
This bundle contains everything you need to get your makerspace users familiar with portable instrum..
Pi GRRL Zero Parts Kit - Includes Pi Zero V1.3 - CASE NOT INCLUDED
For all those who feared their Game Boy playing days would be but a memory, worry no more! That..
ROBOTIS Mini - Humanoid Kit With 3D Printed Parts
If you haven't checked out the amazing capabilities of the DARwIn-OP Deluxe Edition, you sh..
SRK Basic: Servo Robot Parts Kit (Does Not Include Microcontroller)
The Digilent Servo Robot Kit (SRK) provides the perfect starting point for those new to robotics, bu..

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