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14 In 1 Educational Solar Robot Kit (New) By OWI Robotics
• 14 different robot transformations • Unique accessories and parts to make rob..
2WD mobile Arduino robotics car
2WD mobile Arduino robotics car 10004 The 2WD mobile Arduino robotics car is a round mobile platf..
3 in 1 Solar Stallion by OWI Robotics
Triple your fun in the sun with 3- in-1 Solar Stallion. This solar-powered kit helps kids understand..
3WD 100mm Omni Wheel Arduino robotics car
3WD 100mm Omni Wheel Arduino robotics car 10006 This is a well designed, Arduino compatible, 3 om..
3WD 48mm Omni Wheel Arduino compatible Robotics car
3WD 48mm Omni Wheel Arduino compatible Robotics car 10014 This Robot kit is a 3 Omni wheel drive ..
3WD Triangular 100mm omni wheel mobile robotics car
3WD Triangular 100mm omni wheel mobile robotics car 10003 This three omni wheel robotics car is w..
4WD Mecanum Wheel Mobile Arduino Robotics Car
4WD Mecanum Wheel Mobile Arduino Robotics Car 10011 This 4WD drive Mecanum wheel Arduino Robotics..
4WD Omni Wheel Arduino Compatible Mobile Robotics car
4WD Omni Wheel Arduino Compatible Mobile Robotics car 10008 This is a 4 omni wheel arduino compat..
7 in 1 Rechargeable Solar Transformers by OWI Robotics
• 7 in 1 rechargeable solar transformers • The kit can buil..
Aerial Cable Car By OWI Robotics
Some of the world’s aerial tramways transport people to breathtaking views and allows them to have p..
ATR - All Terrain Robot By OWI Robotics
• Multi-function tracked mobile robotic kit • Moves forward, backward, turn, grip and lif..
Attacking Inch Worm By OWI Robotics
• Experiment with alternate energy with this versatile kit • Quick to assemble and requir..
Binary Player Robot By OWI Robotics
• Controlled by black and white patterns on a disk which activate either of two wheels to turn ..
DMC60C: Digital Motor Controller approved for FIRST Robotics
The DMC60C is a powerful compact motor driver designed for any application where 12V brushed DC..
Eco-Biker By OWI Robotics
The Eco-Biker is your child’s own personal wind turbine.Clip it to a bike’s handlebars or anywhere w..

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