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ADC121C021 Sound Sensor for Detecting Noise Knock Vibration or Shock using I2C Piezo Sensor
Detect knocks or vibration in your next security/automation project with this plug in solution. T..
Fast Vibration Sensor Switch (Easy to trigger)
The "poor man's" accelerometer/motion sensor! These spring-vibration switches are ..
Gravity: Digital Piezo Disk Vibration Sensor
INTRODUCTION The DFRobot Vibration Sensor buffers a piezoelectric transducer that responds to str..
Gravity: Flexible Piezo Film Vibration Sensor
INTRODUCTION This is an Arduino compatible piezo film vibration sensor. It is made up of flexib..
Grove - Piezo Vibration Sensor
Grove- Piezo Vibration Sensor is suitable for measurements of flexibility, vibration, impact and tou..
Grove - Vibration Motor
It consists one coin type motor which is a Permanent Magnet coreless DC motor. It vibrates when..
Grove - Vibration Sensor (SW-420)
The Grove - Vibration Sensor (SW-420) is a high sensitivity non-directional vibration sensor. When t..
Industrial IoT Wireless Vibration & Temperature Sensor V2 MEMS
Description Our long range wireless enterprise series sensors are an easy to use and reliable sta..
IoT Long Range Wireless Vibration And Temperature Sensor
IoT Long Range Wireless Vibration And Temperature Sensor Our long range wireless enterprise s..
Piezo Vibration Sensor - Large with Mass
Description This basic piezo sensor from Measurement Specialties is often used for flex, touch, v..
Piezo Vibration Sensor - Small Horizontal
Description The Minisense 100 from Measurement Specialties is a low-cost cantilever-type vibratio..
Piezo Vibration Sensor - Small Vertical
Description The Minisense 100 from Measurement Specialties is a low-cost cantilever-type vibratio..
Piezo Vibration Sensor- Large
TheLDT0-028K is a flexible component comprising a 28 μm thick piezoelectric PVDF polymer fil..
Shaftless Vibration Motor 10x2.0mm
This tiny, button-type, vibrating motor shakes with a vibration amplitude of 0.75g and draws approxi..
Shaftless Vibration Motor 10x3.4mm
This tiny, button-type, vibrating motor shakes with a vibration amplitude of 0.75g and draws approxi..

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