
Smart Water Ions Single

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Plug & Sense! Smart Water Ions Single
The Smart Water Ions models specialize in the measurement of ions concentration for drinking water q..
Calcium Ion (Ca2+) Sensor Probe
Remember the Single Junction Reference Probe is mandatory for this sensor. Don't fo..
Fluoride Ion (F-) Sensor Probe
Remember the Single Junction Reference Probe is mandatory for this sensor. Don't fo..
Fluoroborate Ion (BF4-) Sensor Probe
Remember the Single Junction Reference Probe is mandatory for this sensor. Don't fo..
Nitrate Ion (NO3-) Sensor Probe
Remember the Single Junction Reference Probe is mandatory for this sensor. Don't fo..
pH Sensor Probe (for Smart Water Ions)
Remember the Single Junction Reference Probe is mandatory for this sensor. Don't fo..
Single Junction Reference Probe
This reference probe is necessary to read some Smart Water Ions sensors like Calcium (Ca2+), Fluorid..
Soil/Water Temperature (Pt-1000) sensor probe
Sensor specifications Measurement range: 0 ~ 100 ºC Accuracy: DIN EN 60751 Resistanc..

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